
May 13, 2019

Islamic Life Center Uses Text2give

AL Salam has embarked on an epic journey to build their permanent home, Islamic Life Center. They recently achieved zoning approval on their land and they are ready break the ground next spring. Gro

April 12, 2019

Islamic Life Center, Indiana

After long legal battles, the path for the Islamic Life Center(ILC) in Indiana is clear. All praise the Almighty! Raising $3m to build the new mosque requires the team to be creative. Islamic Life

April 11, 2019

Al-Salam Foundation Rolls Out Monthly General Fund Campaign

Alhamdulliah! All praises to Allah (SWT). Al-Salam Foundation is located at Carmel, Indiana a small organization led and managed by a wonderful group of folks. They have been wanting to roll out a

April 11, 2019

AL-ILM Weekend School Adopts Masjid Solutions Tools

Parent appreciate the ability to pay tuition using their credit cards. Al-Ilm Weekend School is at Indianapolis, Indiana. Nearly 200 students, 400 parents, 50 teachers and volunteers. It is a daun

January 14, 2019

AL-Azhar Foundation Adopts Masjid Solutions Tools

Alhamdulliah! All praises to Allah (SWT). Al-Azhar Foundation, Carmel, Indiana donation kiosk Al-Azhar foundation at Carmel, Indiana a small organization led and managed by a wonderful group of

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