The Role of Technology in Enhancing Islamic Education

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Through offering access to internet materials, mobile applications, and digital learning platforms, technology has played a vital role in improving Islamic education. Students have access to a wide range of Islamic instructional materials, such as digital versions of the Quran, Hadith, and other Islamic writings. Technology has made it simpler for students to communicate with lecturers and researchers from all over the world, allowing for more in-depth conversations and collaborative learning.

The IQRA School Management System exemplifies how technology is boosting Islamic education. Administrative chores such as student enrollment, attendance monitoring, and report preparation are automated, allowing instructors and school administrators to focus on providing high-quality Islamic education.


Teachers can use a secure online platform to design and assign digital lesson plans, track student progress, and interact with parents. This improves students’ overall learning experiences by making them more engaging and participatory, while also increasing openness and responsibility for parents and school authorities.


One of the primary aspects of the IQRA is automated attendance monitoring, which allows teachers to swiftly and simply record attendance utilizing a digital platform. This function removes the need for manual record-keeping, which saves time and reduces mistakes.


Another useful element of the IQRA is grade management, which allows teachers to track and control student grades and progress. This tool gives teachers a thorough perspective of their students’ performance, allowing them to discover areas of weakness.


Parent-teacher communication is another important feature of the IQRA, which allows instructors to contact parents via a secure, online platform. This tool enables instructors to communicate critical updates and information to parents, as well as gather comments and handle problems in a timely way.



The IQRA School Management System has several advantages, ranging from greater communication and cooperation to reduced administrative activities and improved student achievement. The IQRA is a crucial tool for any school aiming to enhance its operations and deliver high-quality education to pupils.

The relevance of technology in increasing Islamic education, as well as the function that software solutions such as IQRA and other Masjid Solutions services will play in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of Islamic schools.


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