The Specifications of the Membership Management System


With the aid of a membership management system from Masjid Solutions, you can improve the way you communicate with your members, gather data, and target specific membership groups for marketing purposes.

Landing Page:

A landing page can represent your organization’s work, and it can be an easy way to introduce people to your group or organization. Our membership management system’s services have a function for building landing pages or web portals.

Highlight information about your organization, such as its name, location, mission, and eligibility requirements. It is also possible to can make a list of forthcoming activities, seminars, and events.

Membership Applications:

While bringing in new members, processing their applications adds a lot of administrative effort and paperwork. A built-in membership application in the membership management system can simplify this.

The membership application form collects information from prospective members. this membership data is input into a database for you to review and continue the new member process

Payment and Renewals Management

With the built-in payment options in our membership management system, you will be able to use one-time payment processing or recurring payments. The system enables you to bill members directly, eliminating the need for a separate system for processing payments. You’ll spend less time doing administrative work when adding new members. 

In order to help you stay on track financially, it is possible to set up your system to automatically collect membership fees on the date of renewal.

Membership Database:

The system has a membership database in order to expand and remain viable. It provides you with a single location to put all of your data, making it simpler to keep everything current and accessible.

Email and Communications:

Our membership management platform with an integrated email or mass messaging system will make communication simpler.

You can quickly create member lists for various groups or send emails to your entire database. You will be able to keep track of any emails exchanged between you and your members using the system integrated into our system. 

Schedule a demo

Request a demo to see the services and products in action, or schedule a call with us to take a tour of the products and obtain hands-on experience with the solutions.


To fuel your organization with our membership management system, schedule a demo here. Contact us right away to get yours now!

We, Masjid Solutions help to reach out to more folks by establishing SEO, social media presence, and executing digital marketing for targeted audiences. Contact us for more details. 

Call or text us at 317 854 0207 or mail us at