Geist Community Center Adopts Masjid Solutions Tools
May 29, 2019

“A MASJID FOR ALL” is what Geist Community Center is
Their mission statement reads, “A diversified Islamic Community irrespective of race, age, skin color, financial status and country of origin. Consistent with the principles and teachings of Islam.”
Muslims at a small Indiana town have built a mosque that is inviting and open to all. Smell of fresh paint has not waned yet. We were there to help the wonderful folks at Geist Community Center install their new Masjid Solutions Kiosk. We showed up a a couple hours before Salat Ul Asr.
We loved the wide open layout of the Musalla. A few adults and a few children we quietly reciting Quran.
Muzaffar, a devotee at the mosque was very handy. We really did not have to say or do much. In less than an hour got the kiosk up and running.
Alhamdulillah! All praises to Him!