Al-Salam Foundation Rolls Out Monthly General Fund Campaign
April 11, 2019

Alhamdulliah! All praises to Allah (SWT).
Al-Salam Foundation is located at Carmel, Indiana a small organization led and managed by a wonderful group of folks. They have been wanting to roll out a campaign asking their patrons to become monthly donors.
Masjid Solutions payment interfaces were quick and easy to deploy. Donation Kiosk helped Al-Slam to put the means and ways for patrons to participate easily. Process allowed folks to easily setup their monthly donations. Creative poster with QR code were placed on the notice board so people can use their mobile phone to simply scan and go to the donation site. Alhamdulillah, responses and participating have been wonderful.

By the grace of Allah (SWT), Al-Salam has implemented the easy to use and manage donation kiosk and virtual phone. We continue to receive dua from this wonderful Muslim community here at Carmel, Indiana.
Contact Masjid Solutions to get your donation kiosk now!