Islamic Life Center Uses Text2give
May 13, 2019

AL Salam has embarked on an epic journey to build their permanent home, Islamic Life Center. They recently achieved zoning approval on their land and they are ready break the ground next spring. Groups have been formed, fundraisers are scheduled, and tools are in place to open the doors and windows for all folks to give.

AL Salam is excited about their newest tool to raise money for the ILC.
The Al Salam congregation is a diverse group. They have been holding prayers in rented small office space south of 96th Street. Members include ex-patriots from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and their American-born children, as well as converts to the faith. Members are drawn mostly from Carmel, Westfield and Zionsville area.
Congregation has struggled for years to find land in Carmel available for sale for their mosque. With the zoning approval, leadership is finally able to move forward with exciting part of building a mosque: that is building a mosque. Technology is a part of raising healthy level of donations from many folks in and around the area.
Contact us for more details. We, Masjid Solutions help mosques reach out to more folks for their fundraising by establishing an online presence and executing targeted digital marketing. Contact us for more details. Call or text us on 317 854 0207 or mail us at