
January 01, 2023

The right fundraising tools for your organization on Ramadan

Ramadan is a wonderful time of year for Muslims all over the world. At that time the mosque authority wants to increase the fundraising process. Masjid Solutions offer a variety of services utilizing

November 24, 2022

The Specifications of the Membership Management System

With the aid of a membership management system from Masjid Solutions, you can improve the way you communicate with your members, gather data, and target specific membership groups for marketing purpos

November 16, 2022

Why Does Your School Need a Comprehensive Management System?

A school management system is a modern solution that helps schools, teachers, students, and parents in many ways. Here are a few considerations for selecting our school management system.Administrator

September 19, 2022

Manage Donations And Pledges Online

Donation & Pledge Online The similarities between a pledge and a donation make them susceptible to confusion. But timing is the key distinction between a pledge and a donation. A pledge eventuall

September 06, 2022

Enterprise Software From Masjid Solutions

What is Enterprise software? Enterprise software commonly referred to as enterprise application software (EAS), is computer software designed to meet the demands of an organization as opposed to indi

September 05, 2022

New & Trending Technologies: Information That Everyone Should Know

Forecasting the future is difficult and risky. Because of dramatic changes in new and trending technology and limitless challenges to innovation, predicting the future in the computing industry is eve

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