AL-Azhar Foundation Adopts Masjid Solutions Tools
January 14, 2019

Alhamdulliah! All praises to Allah (SWT).

Al-Azhar foundation at Carmel, Indiana a small organization led and managed by a wonderful group of folks. Al-Azhar Foundation was established by Sheikh Osama Saad in 2017. Sheikh Osama, a graduate of the prestigious Al-Azhar University in Cairo, always felt a calling to spread his knowledge of Islam through teaching the youth and preparing them to be the next generation of Muslim leaders. Just like many other mosques, Al-Azhar needed a few tools to get their patron connected and stay connected. Their donation kiosk was aracaic and awfully expensive.
Few immediate needs they had:
- Ability to accept credit cards from small donors.
- Onetime donation with ability to receive receipts
- Recurring donations that just works
- Ability to charge credit cards; POS style.
- Ability to establish a phone solution that works for their needs
- Receive/Handle calls by an Auto Attendant.
- Text “Give” or “Donate”, or other keywords get the right answer.
- Change Voicemails by designated admins with options to use recorded
- Integrated Voice Response: “Press 1 for upcoming events”, “2 to Donate”, “3 to Leave a message”, and so forth.
And some more!
Masjid solutions took on the challenge of getting these good folks a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) using a few awesome cloud services. By the grace of Allah (SWT), Al-Azhar has implemented the easy to use and manage donation kiosk and virtual phones. We continue to receive dua this wonderful Muslim community here at Carmel, Indiana.
Contact Masjid Solutions to get your donation kiosk now!